March 2016 Update

Mar 14, 2016

Growing Community

Vue’s growth in the past year has been nothing short of amazing. As of today we are at over 15,000 stars on GitHub, over 500k downloads from npm, and over 2,000 users in the Gitter channel. What’s more exciting though, is that the community successfully organized the first London Vue.js Meetup and the first Paris Vue.js Meetup! A big shoutout to the awesome organizers: Jack, James and Eduardo.

If you are interested in connecting with Vue.js users near you and share your experiences in using Vue.js, joining a local Meetup is a great idea - even better, maybe you can organize one :)

Cool Things Being Built

More and more amazing things are being built with Vue. There are products like PageKit, Laravel Spark (coming soon) and Statamic, sleek apps like Koel and Gokotta, UI components like VueStrap and Vue-MDL, and smooth, interactive experiences like YouTube Adblitz and even the Facebook NewsFeed Marketing Site!

There are many other great projects - too many to be listed here - but you can check them all out in awesome-vue. If you’ve built great things with Vue, you should also add them to the list!

A New Vision For the Project

Some of you may have noticed that the development on the Vue.js core repo has slowed down lately - in the meanwhile, a lot of efforts went into other sub projects, namely Vuex, vue-devtools and the official Webpack project boilerplate. The next step is a new release for vue-router, and better documentation/examples demonstrating how Vue.js core, Vuex and vue-router work together in a large single page application.

All this adds together towards a new vision for the Vue.js project: a progressive framework that can adapt to different complexity levels. Vue.js core will remain “just the view layer” - you can still drop it on whatever existing page to replace jQuery, but the Vue.js project also includes other pieces like vue-router, Vuex, vue-loader/vueify and vue-cli that works together as a more complete, opinionated framework for single page applications. More on this in a later post.

Vue.js needs your help!

Open source is awesome, and I’m proud that Vue.js is helping people build real products all over the world. However, as the scope of the project grows, pushing new features while maintaining everything becomes a very demanding job. The good news is you can help!

Looking for collaborators

There are already users who frequently helps out in various ways, but this is an invitation to make things official. I’m looking for contributors to join the “team”, which is currently mostly just me. If that sounds interesting to you, take a look at the application here.

Looking for sponsors

Another way to help making Vue development sustainable is providing direct financial support. The more financial support I receive, the more time I get to spend on making Vue even better.

If you run a business and is using Vue in a revenue-generating product, it would make business sense to sponsor Vue development: it ensures the project that your product relies on stays healthy and actively maintained. It can also help your exposure in the Vue community and makes it easier to attract Vue developers.

If you are an individual user and have enjoyed the productivity of using Vue, consider donating as a sign of appreciation - like buying me coffee once in a while :)

In either case, you can provide recurring funding through Vue’s Patreon campaign, or provide one-time donations via PayPal. There are many ideas for Vue that I have lined up but haven’t had the time to embark on, and I would love to be able to work on them full time - I hope you can help me make that happen!

This is the documentation for an older version of Vue.
If you’re looking for the current documentation click here.